Playa Central Kiteboarding Blog from La Ventana, Baja

News on events, camps and experiences at Playa Central.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Summer Kiteboarding in La Ventana

Most wind-sport people who come to La Ventana only visit during October through April for the thermal wind season. This is the second summer in a row that I have been in La Ventana and usually spend my days in the garden, running my AC 24/7, and kiteboarding on the other side of this L shaped bay.
In this image, the red circle on the left (West) is Playa Central, which is gets the side shore Nortes and thermal from Oct-April. During the summer months it is a little different. Playa Central recieves a light onshore wind created from the thermal that comes in about 1-2pm and dies off with the sunset.
So, about two days a week, when the thermal wind is blowing about 16 kn, we take our car and with out using our 4x4 we get to the "Bufadora", which is about a 13 min drive. We kite on our 7m, 9m, and 11m, depending. Sometimes we do downwinders to Playa Central, which is great because we get to roll out kites up on the grass and rinse our gear off.
If you ever do come down to La Ventana in the summer, bring your kites!

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